
Update Time: 2022-03-17 16:25


• This API endpoint returns instant corner event and technical statistics of football matches(GMT +00:00-23:59).

• The event will be added, modified or deleted. Each eventId stands for an event, which will only be added or deleted. You need to synchronize the data with eventId.

Related Plans

You can use this api by subscribing plans:  Live Data.


  • Path: /football_th/corner.aspx
  • Method: GET
  • Calls: This interface is limited to 10 second/call.
  • Recommend Calls: 30 second/call


Parameter Value Description
matchId int
homeCorner int
awayCorner int
homeHalfCorner int First half corner, home team
awayHalfCorner int First half corner, away team
eventList list
eventId int
teamId int
minute int eg: 25
When the match is the injury time for the first half, minute=45
When the match is the injury time for the second half, minute=90
overtime int eg: 0
When the match is the injury time, ‘overtime'>0
    • This API endpoint returns instant corner event and technical statistics of football matches(GMT +00:00-23:59).\n\n • The event will be added, modified or deleted. Each eventId stands for an event, which will only be added or deleted. You need to synchronize the data with eventId.

    Corner iSportsAPI