Matches Analysis

Update Time: 2022-03-18 17:53


• This API endpoint returns match analysis data for the past 24 hours and the next 7 days.

• The data includes Head to Head of the home team and away team, last match, future schedule, odds result statistics and goals statistics.

• Data cache 24 hours, do not need to update the data frequently, can be controlled.

• Data presentation:

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  • Path: /football_th/analysis.aspx
  • Method: GET
  • Calls: This interface is limited to 1 second/call.
  • Recommend Calls: 6 hour/call
  • Parameters:
Parameter Value Required Description
matchId int true


Parameter Value Description
headToHead list Return up to the last 20 matches.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
matchId string
league string
league Thai string Thai
leagueId string
matchTime string GMT+7
home string
home Thai string Thai
homeTeamId string
away string
away Thai string Thai
awayTeamId string
scoreHome int
scoreAway int
homeHalfScore int First half score, home team
awayHalfScore int First half score, away team
homeRed int
awayRed int
homeCorner int
awayCorner int
initialHandicapHome string Crown's handicap odds.
initialHandicap string Crown's handicap odds.
initialHandicapAway string Crown's handicap odds.
instantHandicapHome string Crown's handicap odds.
instantHandicap string Crown's handicap odds.
instantHandicapAway string Crown's handicap odds.
initialHome string Crown's european odds.
initialDraw string Crown's european odds.
initialAway string Crown's european odds.
instantHome string Crown's european odds.
instantDraw string Crown's european odds.
instantAway string Crown's european odds.
initialOver string Crown's over/under odds.
initialTotal string Crown's over/under odds.
initialUnder string Crown's over/under odds.
instantOver string Crown's over/under odds.
instantTotal string Crown's over/under odds.
instantUnder string Crown's over/under odds.
homeLastMatches list The same as HeadToHead.
Return up to the last 20 games.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
awayLastMatches list The same as HeadToHead.
Return up to the last 20 games.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
homeSchedule list Return to the next 5 schedule in the future.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
matchId string
league string
league Thai string Thai
leagueId string
matchTime string GMT+7
home string
home Thai string Thai
homeTeamId string
away string
away Thai string Thai
awayTeamId string
day int The gap days between the next game and the current game.
awaySchedule list The same as HomeSchedule
Return to the next 5 schedule in the future.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
homeOdds object The odds result of the league.
total object Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
count int
oddsWin int It is a winning result when betting on the team, Crown's handicap odds.
oddsVoid int It is a void result when betting on the team, Crown's handicap odds.
oddsLose int It is a losing result when betting on the team, Crown's handicap odds.
oddsWinRate string Rate of the winning result, Crown's handicap odds. e.g. 57.6%.
oddsOver int The winning result is Over, Crown's over/under odds.
oddsOverRate string Rate of the Over, Crown's over/under odds. e.g. 57.6%.
oddsUnder int The winning result is Under, Crown's over/under odds
oddsUnderRate string Rate of the Under, Crown's over/under odds. e.g. 57.6%.
home object Data on home match.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
away object Data on away match.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
recentSix object Return up to the last 6 games' odds result.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
count int
handicapResult string w: Winning result
l: Losing result
v: Void result
e.g. lvlwlw
oddsWinRate string Rate of the winning result, Crown's handicap odds. e.g. 57.6%.
overUnderResult string o: Over result
u: Under result
v: Void result
e.g. ovouoo
totalHalf object Data on the first half.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
homeHalf object Data on home match.
Data on the first half.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
awayHalf object Data on away match.
Data on the first half.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
recentSixHalf object Data on the first half.
The same as RecentSix
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
awayOdds object The odds result of the league.
The same as HomeOdds
homeGoals object The number of goals scored in the league.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
total object
0 int Number of matches without goals  
1 int Number of matches with one goal.
2 int Number of matches with two goals.
3 int Number of matches with three goals.
4+ int Number of matches with more than four goals.
firstHalf int Total number of goals in the first half.
secondHalf int Total number of goals in the second half  
home object Data on home match.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
away object Data on away match.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
awayGoals object The number of goals scored in the league.
The same as HomeGoals
homeHT object First half and full score results.
total object Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
halfWinFullWin int The number of matches that won in the first half and won in the match.
halfWinFullDraw int The number of matches that won in the first half and drew in the match.
halfWinFullLose int The number of matches that won in the first half and lost in the match.
halfDrawFullWin int The number of matches that drew in the first half and won the match.
halfDrawFullDraw int The number of matches that drew in the first half and drew the match.
halfDrawFullLose int The number of matches that drew in the first half and lost the match.
halfLoseFullWin int The number of matches that lost in the first half and won the match.
halfLoseFullDraw int The number of matches that lost in the first half and drew the match.
halfLoseFullLose int The number of matches that lost in the first half and lost the match.
home object Data on home match.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
away object Data on away match.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
awayHT object First half and full score results.
The same as HomeHT
homeShootTime object Number of goals at different times.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
Total object Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
1-10 int Number of goals from 1 to 10 minutes.
11-20 int Number of goals from 11 to 20 minutes.
21-30 int Number of goals from 21 to 30 minutes.
31-40 int Number of goals from 31 to 40 minutes.
41-45+ int Number of goals from 41 to 45+ minutes.
46-50 int Number of goals from 46 to 50 minutes.
51-60 int Number of goals from 51 to 60 minutes.
61-70 int Number of goals from 61 to 70 minutes.
71-80 int Number of goals from 71 to 80 minutes.
81-90+ int Number of goals from 81 to 90+ minutes.
Home object Data on home match.
The same as Total.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
Away object Data on away match.
The same as Total.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
Time of ScoredTotal object 1st Shoot Time Statistics - total.
The same as Total.
Time of ScoredHome object 1st Shoot Time Statistics - home.
The same as Total.
Time of ScoredAway object 1st Shoot Time Statistics - away.
The same as Total.
awayShootTime object Number of goals at different times
The same as HomeShootTime.
homeSingleDouble object
total object Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
over int
under int
draw int
odd int
even int
home object Data on home match.
The same as Total
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
away object Data on away match.
The same as Total.
Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
awaySingleDouble object The same as homeSingleDouble.
homeDataVs object
count int Number of matches.
scored int Number of goals scored.
conceded int Number of goals conceded.
win int Number of matches won.
draw int Number of draws.
lose int Number of matches lost.
awayDataVs object The same as homeDataVs..
    • This API endpoint returns match analysis data for the past 24 hours and the next 7 days. \n\n • The data includes Head to Head of the home team and away team, last match, future schedule, odds result statistics and goals statistics. \n\n • Data cache 24 hours, do not need to update the data frequently, can be controlled.\n\n • Data presentation:

    Matches Analysis iSportsAPI