Football - Betfair NEW
This product provides index of Betfair.
This Product includes 4 API Endpoints
API Name
Betfair - Betfair
This API endpoint returns the trading data of Betfair. By using endpoints Schedule & Results (Basic)
and Match Modify Record, you can get basic information of matches.
Common API - League & Cup Profile (Basic)
This API endpoint returns the basic information of leagues and cups. If you need more details, please refer to League & Cup Profile. Click here to
view 1600+ football leagues & cups. Tips: You have access to all the football Common API endpoints with any valid paid football plans.
Common API - Schedule & Results (Basic)
This API endpoint returns the basic information of the match. If you need more details, please refer to Schedule & Results. You can use it with the
Match Modify Record endpoint. Tips: You have access to all the football Common API endpoints with any valid paid football plans.
Common API - Match Modify Record
This API endpoint returns the schedule deletion and match time modification record in the past 12 hours. You can use it with the Schedule & Results (Basic) endpoint.
Tips: You have access to all the football Common API endpoints with any valid paid football plans.
Global Coverage
Our football data coverage includes 1600+ major leagues and cups all over the world.

Free Trial with All Features for 7 Days
Leagues & Cups