Basketball - Odds
This product provides odds of multiple companies of basketballl matches including spread, money line and total, etc.
This Product includes 10 API Endpoints
API Name
Odds - Pre-match and In-play Odds
• This API endpoint returns odds of basketball match, including Spread, Money Line, Total. • Return to the unplayed and in-play matches, including pre-match and In-play Odds • Odds type corresponds to company ID and company
name: - Spread/Money Line(1x2 Odds) 1: Marcauslot;2: Easybet;3: Crown;8: Bet365;9:Vcbet;10: William Hill;19:Interwetten;20:Ladbrokes;31: Sbobet ;24: 12bet - Total 4:Marcauslot;5: Easybet;6:Crown;11:Bet365;12:Vcbet;13:
William Hill;22:Interwetten;23:Ladbrokes;34:Sbobet;27:12bet • By using endpoints Schedule & Results (Basic)
and Match Modify Record, you can get basic information of matches.
Odds - Live Odds Changes
This API endpoint returns odds changes of basketball match in 30 seconds, including Spread, Money Line, Total.
Odds - Pre-match Odds (Halftime)
• This interface returns pre-match odds (Halftime) of basketball match, including Spread, Total. • Return to all unplayed matches in the future and in-play matches. • Odds type corresponds to company ID and company name:
- Spread/Money Line(1x2 Odds) 1: Marcauslot;2: Easybet;3: Crown;8: Bet365;9:Vcbet;10: William Hill;19:Interwetten;20:Ladbrokes;31: Sbobet ; -Total 4:Marcauslot;5: Easybet;6:Crown;11:Bet365;12:Vcbet;13: William Hill;22:Interwetten;23:Ladbrokes;34:Sbobet;
• By using endpoints Schedule & Results (Basic)
and Match Modify Record, you can get basic information of matches.
Odds - Pre-match Odds (Quarter)
• This interface returns pre-match odds (Quarter) of basketball match, including Spread,Total. • Return to all unplayed matches in the future and in-play matches. • Odds type corresponds to company ID and company name:
- Spread/Money Line(1x2 Odds) 1: Marcauslot;2: Easybet;3: Crown;8: Bet365;9:Vcbet;10: William Hill;19:Interwetten;20:Ladbrokes;31: Sbobet ; -Total 4:Marcauslot;5: Easybet;6:Crown;11:Bet365;12:Vcbet;13: William Hill;22:Interwetten;23:Ladbrokes;34:Sbobet;
• By using endpoints Schedule & Results (Basic)
and Match Modify Record, you can get basic information of matches.
Odds - Historical Odds
• This interface returns history odds of basketball match of specified date(GMT +0 0:00-23:59), including Spread, Money Line, Total. • Odds type corresponds to company ID and company name: - Spread/Money Line(1x2 Odds)
1:Marcauslot;2:Easybet;3:Crown;8:Bet365;9:Vcbet;10:William Hill;19:Interwetten;20:Ladbrokes;31:Sbobet. - Total 4:Marcauslot;5: Easybet;6:Crown;11:Bet365;12:Vcbet;13: William Hill;22:Interwetten;23:Ladbrokes;34:Sbobet;
Odds - Money Line (80+ bookmakers)
• This interface is used to obtain the odds of nearly 100 European companies. • Parameter -No parameters: All the odds of today( GMT +0 00:00-23:59 ). -Parameter: day=n, All the odds of n days from now(Maximum is 3). -Parameter:
date=yyyy-MM-dd All odds for the specified date of the match, Support to query the odds data for the next 10 days. -Parameter: min=5 Change data in the last 5 minutes (Recommend) • Win rate and return rate calculation
method: - Home team win rate=(float)Math.Round(1/(1+home win odds/away win odds)*100,2); - Away team win rate =(float)Math.Round(1/(1+away win odds/home win odds)*100,2); - Return rate=(float)Math.Round(home team win
rate*home team odds,2); • Data presentation:https://www.nowgoal5.com/basketball/1x2-425201/
Odds - In-play Odds
• This API endpoint returns in-play odds, including: handicap、overUnder.
• By default, it returns the updated in-play odds data for all matches in the past 3 minutes.
• The company ID corresponds to the company:
1:Macauslot;2:Easybets;3:Crown;8:Bet365;9:Vcbet;10:William Hill;20:Ladbrokes;31:Sbobet.
• By default, it returns the updated in-play odds data for all matches in the past 3 minutes.
• The company ID corresponds to the company:
1:Macauslot;2:Easybets;3:Crown;8:Bet365;9:Vcbet;10:William Hill;20:Ladbrokes;31:Sbobet.
Common API - League & Cup Profile (Basic)
• This API endpoint returns the basic information of the cup and the league. Click here to view all leagues & cups. • Tips: You have access to
all the basketball Common API endpoints with any valid paid basketball plans.
Common API - Schedule & Results (Basic)
• This API endpoint returns the basic information of the match. • The request path needs at least one parameter (date, leagueId, and matchId ) to retrieve correct response. These three parameters can not be used at the
same time. • You can use it with the Match Modify Record endpoint. • Tips: You have access to all the basketball Common API endpoints with any valid paid basketball
Common API - Match Modify Record
• This API endpoint returns the schedule deletion and match time modification record int the past 24 hours. • You can use it with the Schedule & Results (Basic) endpoint.
• Tips: You have access to all the basketball Common API endpoints with any valid paid basketball plans.
Global Coverage
Our basketball data coverage includes 300+ major leagues and cups all over the world.