Basketball - Live Data HOT
This product provides real-time data of basketball matches including schedule, result, instant score and lineup, etc.
This Product includes 17 API Endpoints
API Name
Live Data - Livescores for Today
This API endpoint returns livescore of basketball matches for the current day ( GMT +0 00:00-23:59 ). You can use it with the Livescores Changes endpoint.
Live Data - Livescores Changes
This API endpoint returns livescore changes of basketball matches which were updated in the last 15 seconds. You can use it with the Livescore for today endpoint.
Live Data - Schedule & Results
• This API endpoint allows you to get the schedule and results of basketball matches with the corresponding date ( from the last two months to the future ) or leagueId. • The request path needs at least one parameter (date,
leagueId, and matchId ) to retrieve the correct response. These three parameters can not be used at the same time. • You can use it with the Match Modify Record
Live Data - Lineups
This API endpoint returns lineups of basketball matches in the last 24 hours and future 48 hours.
Live Data - Match List of Live Text
• This API endpoint returns the live text match list of today and the past 8 hours, and only supports NBA and WNBA. • You can use it with the Live Text endpoint.
Live Data - Live Text
• This API endpoint returns the content of live text of the specified match ID, and only supports NBA and WNBA. • You can use it with the Match List of Live Text endpoint.
Live Data - NBA Transfer
• This API endpoint returns the transfer record of the NBA. • Without parameters: return transfer data within one month. • With parameters: day=n, return transfer data within n days.
Profile - Team Profile
• This API endpoint returns team information. • Returns all teams by default.
Profile - Player Profile
• This API endpoint returns player information. • All players are returned by default.
Profile - League & Cup Profile
This API endpoint returns complete information of cups and leagues. Click here to view all leagues & cups.
Profile - Cup Stage Profile
This API endpoint returns stage type information for different cups.
Profile - Playoffs Stage Profile
This API endpoint returns the playoff-type information of different leagues.
Common API - List of Countries
This API interface returns a list of all countries and the country ID.
Common API - List of Bookmakers
This API interface returns a list of all bookmakers and the bookmaker ID.
Common API - League & Cup Profile (Basic)
• This API endpoint returns the basic information of the cup and the league. Click here to view all leagues & cups. • Tips: You have access to
all the basketball Common API endpoints with any valid paid basketball plans.
Common API - Schedule & Results (Basic)
• This API endpoint returns the basic information of the match. • The request path needs at least one parameter (date, leagueId, and matchId ) to retrieve correct response. These three parameters can not be used at the
same time. • You can use it with the Match Modify Record endpoint. • Tips: You have access to all the basketball Common API endpoints with any valid paid basketball
Common API - Match Modify Record
• This API endpoint returns the schedule deletion and match time modification record int the past 24 hours. • You can use it with the Schedule & Results (Basic) endpoint.
• Tips: You have access to all the basketball Common API endpoints with any valid paid basketball plans.
Global Coverage
Our basketball data coverage includes 300+ major leagues and cups all over the world.